Журнал «ИСУП». (Информатизация и системы управления в промышленности)
ИТ, КИПиА, метрология, АСУ ТП, энергетика, АСКУЭ, промышленный интернет, контроллеры, экология, электротехника, автоматизации в промышленности, испытательные системы, промышленная безопасность

About magazine "ISUP" ("Computerization and management system in Industry")

"ISUP" ("Computerization and management system in Industry")
— is a magazine aimed primarily at head managers and experts of the relevant services of the enterprises, whose sphere of activity is related to industrial automation, metering, automatic systems for commercial measurement of power consumption, automated information and measuring systems of commercial energy metering, energetics, automatic process control systems, embedded systems, control and measuring equipment, emergency shutdown systems and relay protection and automatic equipment, supervisory control and data acquisition, as well as other related areas. The publication is intended for developers and system integrators, as well as end users of automation systems. The magazine will be of interest for consulting and trading companies operating in the market of high technologies. The magazine is published since 2004. 

"ISUP" magazine is an independent publication, not owned or sponsored by any companies operating in the market of industrial automation. The publication is registered in the Ministry of Russian Federation for Press, Television and Radio Broadcasting, and Mass Media. Registration certificate PI № 77-17690.
The authors and advertisers of the magazine include such known enterprises as: KROHNE, Siemens, PRO-FACE, STEGO, Honeywell, RIZUR, Adastra, CROC, Endress+Hauser, Mitsubishi, Sshneider Electric, inSAT, ABB, TREI GmbH, IPC2U, Prosoft, Quarta Technologies, RTSoft, Rakurs, Energometrika, PLC Systems, SWD Software Ltd., Fiord, Teleofis, Radiofid, Euromobile, Phoenix Contact, Elektropribor, Schroff GmbH, Klinkmann, Tornado Modular Systems, KontrAvt, OAO "Ivelektronaladka", OMRON, ENERGOMERA, OVEN, Elemer, Advantech, Nienshanc-Avtomatika, Emicon, LIMACO, Benning, Yokogawa, Svetoservis, etc.

Volume: 112—148 pages; 
Format: A4 (color);
Periodicity: six issues per year (February, April, June, August, October, December).
Subscription indexes according to Rospechat catalog: 46330, 36120 | Press Russia:  41890.

Distribution regions:
Central region – 32 %
Ural region, Siberia and Far East –  31 %
Northwest region – 22 %
Povolzhskiy region – 10 %
Other regions – 5 %

Readership structure:
Main experts – 45 %
Experts (engineering-technological staff) – 25 %
Mid-level executives – 15 %
Top-level executives – 11 %
Unincorporated readerships – 2 %

The materials published in this magazine may not be fully or partially reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. 

The opinion of edition not always coincides with opinion of authors of materials. For the accuracy of the information presented in the journal, under the responsibility of the authors and advertisers. All publications mentioned in the log product names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.